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Monday, November 14, 2016

Voter Apathy Kills

Image result for voting  The date is November 14. I'm sure that you've all seen the results of the election. Donald Trump won the election, solely by virtue of the electoral college I may add and is now set to be inaugurated in January. And the biggest response that I've seen to this news is this sort of apathetic, "we'll just wait and see" bullshit. I talk to my parents and my father tells me, "I'm sure that a Trump presidency can't be THAT bad." He tells me I'm being pessimistic. Am I?

Image result for donald trump
"Yeah fuck you buddy"
  Consider the platform that Donald J Trump build his campaign on. He wanted to build a giant wall along the border of Mexico and deport all Mexican immigrants in the country, legal or otherwise.  He proudly declared that he would bar any further immigration from Arabic countries. He routinely resorted to mudslinging when he couldn't come up with a solid defense. Just look at the constant cry of "Crooked Hillary". I think you're covering for something Donald. I can't be sure of course, but I have my suspicions.

  And consider his attitudes toward women. I'm sure we all remember "Grab her by the pussy". Right? And what about the Tic-tacs? What happens when he meets a foreign minister and makes some wisecrack to them about their race or gender. He'll be a motherfucking diplomatic disaster. And they'll have to figure out a way to keep him off Twitter. The GOP doesn't need him bashing the New York Times once he's in office.

America, Atom, Atomic, Bomb, Comedy
From America
With Love
  So, of course, a Trump presidency "won't be that bad". We can all just sit back on our haunches and wait. Maybe a few people of color will be unjustly persecuted and killed. Maybe women will see their rights ratcheted back to point that they were at in the 1800s. Hell, maybe he'll just go all the way and abolish the 14th amendment while he's at it. I'm sure he would try. But none of that is a problem. We'll get through it just fine.

  Maybe Donald will decide to launch a nuclear missile. Perhaps he'll declare a few wars while he's in office. That "wouldn't be too bad" would it?
  Look I get that all of this is speculation at this point and that I might just be being a pessimist. But you cannot sit by and wait around while there is someone as dangerous as Trump in the office. Because my speculation might turn out to be right. And what then?

  And it really isn't that hard to fight back. Speak out when you see someone being treated unfairly. Donate a few bucks every now and then to your local Democratic party office, the ACLU, the NAACP, and any other charities working to support minority groups and the underprivileged. Write to your senators and congressmen. If you can, get out and hold a protest sign or walk in a march. Make your voice heard. This is a dangerous time for voter apathy.



Democratic Party

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