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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Panic in the streets!

Image result for trump pence
How Mister Trump? How will you make America great again?
It wasn't that great to begin with.
  I'll admit that I'm afraid. I'm afraid of a post Trump America. I'm afraid of the hate we'll see. I'm afraid that it will be directed at me and my family. I am the happy son of a transsexual parent. I am a homosexual who is in a committed relationship. I have issues with mental illness. All these things make Trump's America a very dangerous place for me. I would not be surprised if you found out it was a dangerous place for you as well. There's far to much hate being spread right now.

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  I bet you've seen this before. It's a movement that's gaining steam on Facebook and Twitter that revolves around wearing a safety pin to show that you're a support of those who  are endangered by our new Pres. It's actually a great idea. It's like the #Illridewithyou campaign that was started on Twitter after the attack on Nice France. It's a way of saying "I don't give a shit what racist bigots say. I want to make the world a happier safer place." Kind of the opposite of the NRA. Well, the safety pin movement has also been noticed by the Alt-right. Here's a link to a article where a political commentator states that, in his/her opinion, the safety pin campaign is a bunch of liberal pussyfooting *My words not his*.Please note that the article linked is not sponsored or endorsed by the author of this blog. The content on that page might upset some people. I in no way agree with or promote anything said there. Just wanted to let everyone know that it's kind of an angering read.

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  We need movements like this. We need people to stand up and say "If someone threatens you, I've got your back". United we stand right? How can we be united if we're constantly bitching at each other and trying base our worth on the color of our skin or our religious preferences? United we stand, divided we fall. And as long as we keep up with the hatemongering, we're doomed to be divided. Just look at #calexit.

  And don't try to tell me that Trump will support minority groups. I've seen the argument that he hired a gay man, a black man, and a woman. The only issue is that these three people are just as racist and misogynistic as Trumpo is. Minority group members can be bad people too. It's sad but true.And it's rather racist and homophobic to be making the argument (Again note that the linked content may be disturbing to some people) that "He has a black man on his team he's not a racist" or "He has a gay man on his team he's not homophobic". That's kind of like saying N***** and then trying to excuse yourself by saying that you have a black friend. Not cool man. It's what's on the inside that matters and as long as he's hiring these dangerous demagogues we're still in the same crisis.

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  I'm just going to finish by saying that I'm standing with the disadvantaged. I'm standing with the women who risk losing their right to safe reproductive medicine. I'm standing with the African Americans who fear for their lives every time a cop drives by. I'm standing with the Mexican Americans and the Middle Easterners who have been told, by their soon to be president no less, that they're criminals and should be sent back to where they came from. I'm standing with the homosexuals and transsexuals and all others in the LGBTQA spectrum who fear discrimination from the likes of Pence and Trump. Because no one deserves to be treated that way. No one.

If you feel that you are being mistreated, one possible source of aid is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). I've included their phone number and a link to their website.



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