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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Alt-right? Alt-wrong.

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  The thing that I found the most disturbing about the 2016 election was the development and growth of the Alt-right. This group of racists and xenophobes seems to have sprung up with Trump and then nursed on his rhetoric to grow like some demonic child. I can't decide if it's more of a Reddit thing or a Fourchan thing. They're both breeding grounds for filth.

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This is a joke right? Right?
  From what I can understand, the Alt-right is essentially a combination of the MRAs, rascists, sexists, xenophobes, neonazis, and white supremacists who parade their brand of prejudice and hate under the name of "conservative" values. These are the sort of people who like to go to Black Lives Matter rallies and shoot into the crowd because they know no one will stop them. They're terrorists, but they enjoy protection because of their white skin.

  Why are we protecting these people? Just take a look at this lovely quote from Greg Hood of Counter Currents Publishing:

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To be a European American with a future means to confront the lie that is the American ideal. All men are not created equal. Rights are a product of power, not the gift of a Deist “God” whose will is reinterpreted every other week. The upward development of the race is the purpose of the state, not accumulating money by systematically degrading it. And we have more in common with our racial kinsmen in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and the other nations of the Occident than we do our nonwhite “fellow Americans.” Our Republic is no longer a melting pot, but a trash can. America today is simply enforced mediocrity.

Does this sound normal to you? Does it sound like the American values that we're taught to hold dear?

Take a look at those lovely fellows. They seem really nice, don't they? Suggesting that diversity is akin to genocide?

  I understand the necessity of free speech. I understand the need to protect the rights of all citizens. But what happens when protecting one person's rights harms so many others? Should we really prioritize protecting a white man's right to scream racial slurs over protecting his black neighbor's right to feel safe in his own home? There have been 200 episodes of hate crimes since Trump got elected. And those are just the ones that are actually reported. That's ignoring the countless crimes that get ignored or swept away. But I suppose that your right to racism is still far more important than another human's life. It's not your life after all.

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Maybe it's historical when it's in a museum... but not when its on a pole in the back of your pickup
  And isn't that just the gist of it all? It's not their life. So why should these people be worrying? It's the same attitude that drives people to say things like "Why should my taxes pay for an immigrant's groceries?" They don't understand the feeling of going hungry. They don't understand the fear of knowing that any white face you see might be the face of your killer. And I'm not saying I understand that. Don't get me wrong, I know that I benefit from white privilege. And they do too. But these Alt-righters are bent on denying it.

 I would like to suggest that we call the alt-right what it is. It's not different than the KKK or any of the skinhead gangs. It's a terrorist group, but we give them a free pass because we're afraid to face the racism behind it.

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