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Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! If you're rich that is.

Image result for the moon juice cookbook
  I saw an interesting book review, posted by The Newyorker. The title of the book was "The Moon Juice Cookbook" and the whole premise was some new-age bullshit about improving your life, both spiritually and actually, through cooking. It was the most disconnected, out of touch thing that I've ever laid eyes on. The author, Amanda Chantal Bacon, has come up with some brilliant ideas for all the elitists out there who need to improve their diet and their spiritual life. Instead of salt and vinegar potato chips she suggests almonds dusted with activated vinegar and dulse, whatever the hell that is. For breakfast, she suggests a green smoothie, quote "moon-dusted" with cordyceps. Who actually has the money to source all of this? It's like the fad surrounding Soylent or the gentrification of San Francisco. The wealthy elite in our country has become out of touch with the common person, but the just don't give a shit.

  And that's what Donald Trump aims to solve I hear you cry! WRONG! The man is just as much a member of the power elite as Mike Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, or Hillary Duff, just to name a few. The only difference is that his comparative lack of intelligence allows him to pass himself off as one of the common folk. I don't really think that there is an effective "avatar for the people" right now. We're just sort of sitting and watching as this wealth and culture gap between ourselves and the power elite grows larger and larger.

Image result for soylent
It really is 30 dollars for a case. Just check Amazon.
  I want to go back to Soylent for a moment as an example. The creator, Rob Rhinehart, had the "brilliant" idea that what the American consumer needed was a smoothie that contained his full day's nutrition. You could throw away all your food and just subsist off of Soylent. That's a great idea Rob, but it's rather unrealistic for the average joe. The drink itself can cost upwards of 30 dollars for a twelve pack, and each bottle only provides around 400 calories. You would most likely need to be drinking three or four bottles of this concoction a day just to keep meeting daily nutritional guidelines. Now imagine that you can barely afford to pay thirty dollars a month for your groceries, how are you going to afford to buy multiple thirty dollar packages of Soylent each month? The only people who can afford that are the ones who are already parading around Silicon Valley in their pantsuits.

   And Silicon Valley really is part of the problem. It's this development of a new legion of Nouveau Riche who have more money than God, from selling some half baked tech idea, and now think that they're the most important thing ever to have graced the face of the Earth. No. That's not exactly fair. They might be the ones who are out of touch, but they're not the only threat. I would be doing a disservice to Donald and his old money compatriots if I didn't include them. After all, they're the ones with all the political power, who keep insisting that things like welfare and Social Security are products of the devil meant only to harm the American citizen. I feel great pity for all the voters who elected Donald and will now lose the welfare that they rely on to support themselves. It was always all or nothing folks. I hope that you have a solid source of income to fall back on because otherwise you're fucked.

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I'm not naming names. Okay maybe I am.
  So what can we do? Not a whole hell of a lot. I suppose that the best plan of action would be to organize and protest each new outrageous idea that Donnie dreams up. Let the Nouveau Riche and the old money know that you won't stand idly by while they take away your support. And don't put yourself on a pedestal. I give zero fucks that your taxes are paying to support someone less fortunate. Oh! poor baby. You have to be a decent human being for once in your life. What the fuck did you think taxes were for? Did you think they went to the magical money fairy? Taxation pays for welfare programs and it pays for infrastructure. And I don't think you would be very happy if your roads, bridges, etc. were left to decay. The sum total of it all is that we dearly need to close the wealth gap and we all need to accept that everyone deserves a fair chance regardless of their position in society. Social Darwinism was a farce.

  If you are absolutely set on the idea of opposing welfare, then help out at a food bank. Donate canned goods to a food pantry or take part in a donation drive for the homeless or those less fortunate. Donate money to shelters for those who have been displaced or who are fleeing dangerous situations at home. I'm totally going to judge you for your selfishness, but I can't change your mind. Just quit with the elitism alright? We have more than enough of that trickling down from the top already. After all, we're all humans. We all have a right to live a happy life. You don't have more right than anyone else simply because you're you.

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I hate to say it, but these are a lot of the "immigrants" taking your jobs. Ain't technology great?
  And please do not try the argument that  people should work harder. Not everyone gets the chance. Thanks to imbeciles and crooks like your beloved Trump, jobs are routinely sent overseas. A little hint here, it wasn't the liberals who chose to export jobs to Mexico and India because fewer human right's laws meant lower costs. And the few jobs that are left in America have to be divvied up amongst a workforce that's larger than the number of jobs available. When you add to that, that schools are being increasingly privatized and that public education is being completely destroyed, you get end up with a large number of people who were never given the training to join the workforce. It's not that they chose not to. They weren't given a chance. So, quit your bitching already. It's only making the problem worse.

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