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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Republican? No. Libertarian? No. What then?

Image result for troll face If you have any feedback about the post, feel free to leave a comment. I'm always up for conversation.

 I had a great conversation with a few trolls on Twitter the other night. They were tracking down articles with a liberal slant so that they could make unpleasant comments. So I tried my hand at trolling them back, and I learned something interesting in the process. There is an increasing number of Americans who are neither HRC supporters nor El Presidente Trump supporters. These people believe that all government is evil. They don't care if it's Bernie Sanders or Bill Clinton. They're convinced that our current governing situation is solely in place to terrorize the common man and steal from him. Not only does that sound like utter hogwash, it's a dangerous attitude to be adopting about the country you inhabit.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Bernie or Bust? Bad idea.

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Let me begin this by saying that I would have been thrilled to have Bernie Sanders as the candidate for the Democratic party in 2016. I would have been thrilled to have him as our United States president. But he was beaten by Hillary Clinton in the primary and lost his chance to run for president on the Democratic ticket. So why did people still vote for him on election day?

Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! If you're rich that is.

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  I saw an interesting book review, posted by The Newyorker. The title of the book was "The Moon Juice Cookbook" and the whole premise was some new-age bullshit about improving your life, both spiritually and actually, through cooking. It was the most disconnected, out of touch thing that I've ever laid eyes on. The author, Amanda Chantal Bacon, has come up with some brilliant ideas for all the elitists out there who need to improve their diet and their spiritual life. Instead of salt and vinegar potato chips she suggests almonds dusted with activated vinegar and dulse, whatever the hell that is. For breakfast, she suggests a green smoothie, quote "moon-dusted" with cordyceps. Who actually has the money to source all of this? It's like the fad surrounding Soylent or the gentrification of San Francisco. The wealthy elite in our country has become out of touch with the common person, but the just don't give a shit.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Social Media Mistakes

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  Did Facebook influence the 2016 election? There are a good many critics who are claiming that fake news, that was spread through the popular social network Facebook, could have had a noticeable effect on the overall outcome. I can't actually say one way or the other. And it's not really my place to, to begin with. The more pertinent issue here is the sway that social media can have on political matters when most social networks are such uncontrolled places as-is. As long as I stay within the general TOS for Facebook I can post just about anything. Just look at all the pictures of college kids ripping on bongs. And not only can I post whatever I want, everyone else can post whatever they want. It doesn't matter if it's true. It doesn't matter if it's practically libel. By the time they track you down on the internet it'll be too late anyways. And that sets a dangerous precedent for our country.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Panic in the streets!

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How Mister Trump? How will you make America great again?
It wasn't that great to begin with.
  I'll admit that I'm afraid. I'm afraid of a post Trump America. I'm afraid of the hate we'll see. I'm afraid that it will be directed at me and my family. I am the happy son of a transsexual parent. I am a homosexual who is in a committed relationship. I have issues with mental illness. All these things make Trump's America a very dangerous place for me. I would not be surprised if you found out it was a dangerous place for you as well. There's far to much hate being spread right now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Quick Post to Highlight an Important Petition

  I was alerted by a friend, to a petition that's being circulated by Media Matters. It calls on Facebook to retool their system for determining what is and is not news and to attempt to cut down on the number of fake stories that are being shared as news. I've been thinking about this a fair bit lately and I feel that it needs addressing. Facebook has a massive viewership who rely on the site for their news. If they're given propaganda dressed as the evening news how are they to know? There needs to be action. I would like to ask you to please follow the link below and add your name. It may not seem like much but every little thing helps.