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Thursday, December 22, 2016

#TrumpLeaks and Me

  I have avoided the Dworkin Report until this point. My opinion on the matter has been as such: I avoided the Wikileaks information because I saw it as being overly partisan and I will deal with Trump Leaks in the same manner. I think in retrospect that I might have been overlooking a valuable source of information because of an unnecessary precaution. In light of that, I have decided to write a series of blog posts in which I first provide in-depth coverage of the Dworkin report and then provide in-depth coverage of Wikileaks. I'll leave the final decision as to which source is more trustworthy, up to the reader.

  What is the Dworkin Report? The Dworkin Report, also known as Trump Leaks and The Democratic Coalition Against Trump, is a group that was founded in the Spring of 2016 with the express purpose of holding a Trump White House accountable. As stated on their site. Democratic Coalition, this goal is achieved through aggressive advertising, grassroots action, opposition research, and a "nationwide rapid-response team". In addition, the coalition runs the movement Artists Against Trump.

Pictured above is the Democratic Coalition Home Page
  The main meat of the Dworkin Report can be found under the heading Trump Leaks. This page is then broken down into the subheadings Videos, Trump Vodka, Business Connections, and Alfa Bank. I'm going to go ahead and talk about each of the subheadings in detail.


Democratic Coalition

Listed under the subheading Videos are two videos, shared through the Democratic Coalition and sourced through Youtube:

  •   The first video is titled "Donald Trump Jr. in Latvia talking about the many business deals he's looked at in Moscow (2012)". The content of this video shows one of Donald Trump's sons discussing potential business ventures in Russia, with an unknown, off-camera, narrator.
  •   The Second video is titled "Donald Trump admits to having a relationship with Putin while he is in Moscow for Miss Universe". The content of this video involves a discussion between an off-screen narrator and Donald Trump himself. Over the course of the video, Donald states that he does have a relationship with Vladimir Putin. From the extent of the video that I saw, I am unaware if Donald Trump makes an attempt to explain the nature of this relationship.

Both of these videos can be watched at the following web address. I make no statements as to the validity of any content shown.

Trump Vodka

Democratic Coalition
  Listed under the Trump Vodka heading are two photographs and one video that have been shared through the Democratic Coalition:

  • The first of these photos is a still image taken from an advertisement used as part of the Trump Vodka ad campaign. The still is stated to contain a depiction of a statue of Lenin that currently stands in Russia..
  • The video is an advertising spot for Trump Vodka, that appears to appeal to a Russian audience through its use of iconic Russian imagery and a cyrillic-esque typeface.
  • The third photo shows a Drinks America CEO at a Trump Vodka event in Moscow.

Once again, I make no judgments as to the validity or otherwise of any of this material. I will leave those decisions to the reader.

Russian Business Connections

  Listed under the Russian Business Connections header is a short statement concerning Donald Trump's business holdings in Russia. There is also a link provided to a spreadsheet listing all currently reported Trump business holdings in the country of Russia.

Alfa Bank

  Information provided under the Alfa Bank heading cannot be easily summarized while still avoiding plagiarism. It is best to view this section directly on the Democratic Coalition's page.

Miss Universe 2013

  Information provided under the Miss Universe 2013 heading cannot be easily summarized while still avoiding plagiarism. It is best to view this section directly on the Democratic Coalition's page.


  The remaining portions of the site detail contact information, press releases concerning Donald Trump and his family and business practices, and the Democratic Coalition's movement Boycott Trump along with links to Android and iPhone downloads for the corresponding app.

  If you are interested in viewing the Dworkin Report for yourself, or you wish to learn more about The Democratic Coalition Against Trump, links to their site have been included throughout the article. I have also included a direct link to their homepage below.

  Information can be found on Twitter by searching the hashtags #TrumpLeaks and #DworkinReport.

  In keeping with my goal to remain nonbiased, I will refrain from passing judgment on the legitimacy or partisanship or lack thereof present in the Dworkin Report and on the Democratic Coalition's site. My goal in writing this article has been to provide information. My coverage does not equate to support or endorsement.

  Within the next week, I will be writing a follow up piece in investigate Wikileaks, and attempt to provide an unbiased description for those who have not previously followed it.

If you found this article interesting, or you had something you would like to share, please leave a comment below. I always enjoy feedback and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

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