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Monday, December 5, 2016

Money Talks and Bullshit Walks

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  I've seen a fair number of headlines now about Donald Trump's bailout of the Carrier Company. The gist of it, as far as I can tell, is that he gave incredibly lavish tax breaks to an air conditioning company, in order to incentivize keeping jobs in the United States rather than shipping them overseas. There are two major issues with this deal. The first issue is that these tax breaks are not sustainable on any level beyond a single corporation. Donald Trump risks massive fiscal catastrophe if he goes around throwing out tax breaks to every US company that threatens to move jobs overseas. The second issue is that Donald purportedly holds a large portion of Carrier stock. That's right, he likely stood to gain financially from this company bailout. He's not even in office yet and he's already knee-deep in corruption.

  But the simple truth of the matter is that Donald J isn't the only politician to engage in crooked dealings like these. Does anyone remember Chris Christie and "Bridgegate"? While never directly implicated, Chris Christie is strongly suspected of having orchestrated a bid to close lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge in order to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not supporting Christie's reelection bid. Multiple members of Christie's staff were indicted on charges including conspiracy. I'm personally of the opinion, that Chris only avoided indictment himself by dumping the blame on his sub ordinate's shoulders. But that would be a good Republican move wouldn't it.
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  And consider the Koch Brothers. These multi-billionaires aren't even politicians, but you can certainly make the argument that they have more of an effect on politics. You see, they're what's known as lobbyists. And special interest groups. And a super PAC or two should be thrown in there for good measure. Yes, these richer than God brothers just throw wads of cash at whatever they have a problem with until it goes away. Proud citizens of Wisconsin can thank the Koch brothers for getting Scott Walker elected. He's certainly done a fine job hasn't he? The Kochs have also advocated strongly for, read as thrown millions of dollars at, legislation against a single player health care system. All the sick and injured Americans with no health coverage can thank the Kochs for that one.

  I'll agree that Hillary comes from the same kind of old money as Donald J and the Koch brothers, but she actually cares about the working person. Let's be honest here folks, Donald and the Koch bros are only interested in lining their pockets. The same goes for Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Steven Mnuchin, and all the other right wing stars. Don't you think that they would have tried to help you by now if they were going to? They plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Social Security, and all welfare programs they can get their hands on. Now, I don't know if you personally rely on one of these programs. Even if you don't, what about your family? Or your friends? Don't you have a parent who needs their Social Security and Medicare? Are you advocating to take away their lively-hood? Or should they just work harder, because that's an attitude I've seen a lot of lately. It's going to be interesting to see that slogan get turned on it's originators.

If you have any comments or questions about this article, please feel free to leave a comment below. I'll try to reply to everyone's comment.


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