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Thursday, December 22, 2016

#TrumpLeaks and Me

  I have avoided the Dworkin Report until this point. My opinion on the matter has been as such: I avoided the Wikileaks information because I saw it as being overly partisan and I will deal with Trump Leaks in the same manner. I think in retrospect that I might have been overlooking a valuable source of information because of an unnecessary precaution. In light of that, I have decided to write a series of blog posts in which I first provide in-depth coverage of the Dworkin report and then provide in-depth coverage of Wikileaks. I'll leave the final decision as to which source is more trustworthy, up to the reader.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lies! It's all lies!

Image result for green day american idiot
Still applicable unfortunately
  Who here has heard the Green Day song "American Idiot"? I'm assuming a fair number of you have. It was incredibly popular around 2005 and was damn near impossible to escape for a few years there. If you haven't heard the song before, the gist of it is that the singer feels America is becoming a slave to propaganda and a hidden agenda, and he doesn't want to be any include here because of true they are.

One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

-Green Day, American Idiot (2004)

   I can share the feeling. I've been thinking lately that the far right has become so swayed by their talking heads that there really is no longer a way to change their opinions. Anything that a liberal says will be deflected as "posturing and lies put forth by the liberal media to further their evil objectives". What can we do?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Graphic material below the break (Photo of dead men at the Battle of Gettysburg)

  In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican candidate to run for president on a platform pledging to limit the spread of slavery. As a response, seven slave states in the deep south seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Lincoln and the majority of the citizens in Northern states, refused to recognize this secession for fear that it would fracture the United States in multiple squabbling countries.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Jabba the Trump

This is just something I threw together because I think it's a perfect representation of Donald Trump. Look at him in all his blobby glory. Isn't he beautiful? If anyone wants to use this one themselves, feel free.

If you found this article interesting, or you had something you would like to share, please leave a comment below. I always enjoy feedback and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Crawl Out Through The Fallout Baby

If you found this article interesting, or you had something you would like to share, please leave a comment below. I always enjoy feedback and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

Crawl out through the fallout, baby
When they drop that bomb
Crawl out through the fallout
With the greatest of aplomb
When your white count's getting higher
Hurry, don't delay
I'll hold you close and kiss those
Radiation burns away--

  I've been thinking lately about songs that were written during other presidencies, but that have become relevant again under the Trump administration. Now, granted, the first songs I thought of were things like American Idiot by Green Day and  BYOB by System of a Down, but I think that Crawl Out Through The Fallout works quite nicely as well. I'll begin with some background about the song.

Image result for sheldon allman

  Sheldon Allman, born June 8, 1924 - passed away January 22, 2002, was an actor, singer, and songwriter whose career lasted from1958 to 1995. His singing career began during his service with the Royal Canadian Airforce in World War 2. He later moved to Los Angeles where he would go on to star in 12 movies. Some of his works include the theme song for George of the Jungle and "The Pretty Little Filly with the Ponytail" from TV's Mister Ed. In 1960, Sheldon Allman released his album Folk Songs for the 21st Century. This was a novelty album and included songs like "Crawl Out Through The Fallout" and "Radioactive Mama". 

  Now the lyrics tell a rather simple story. The singer is reassuring his girlfriend, in a rather tongue in cheek manner, that they'll be fine even after the bombs have been dropped. The whole song is practically dripping with satire and sarcasm. I love it. And I think it works rather well in today's political climate. Of course, this song was written during the cold war. The nukes would have been coming from Russia. Now the nukes are likely to come from North Korea or Iran. Either way, we end up crawling out through the fallout to paraphrase Allman.

  I wonder how many other songs from past generations are going to become frighteningly relevant once again? Are the babyboomer's children going to have to live through a second Cuban missile crisis? It reminds me of that famous quote "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it." Although I'm afraid Kurt Vonnegut had it more correct when he said "...we're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive."

Monday, December 5, 2016

Money Talks and Bullshit Walks

Image result for carrier company logo

  I've seen a fair number of headlines now about Donald Trump's bailout of the Carrier Company. The gist of it, as far as I can tell, is that he gave incredibly lavish tax breaks to an air conditioning company, in order to incentivize keeping jobs in the United States rather than shipping them overseas. There are two major issues with this deal. The first issue is that these tax breaks are not sustainable on any level beyond a single corporation. Donald Trump risks massive fiscal catastrophe if he goes around throwing out tax breaks to every US company that threatens to move jobs overseas. The second issue is that Donald purportedly holds a large portion of Carrier stock. That's right, he likely stood to gain financially from this company bailout. He's not even in office yet and he's already knee-deep in corruption.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Pass the Blunt Bro

Image result for pot leaf

  I find peoples' attitudes about marijuana to be quite fascinating. If you look at the essential nature of the plant, well it's just that. It's a plant. Marijuana has psychoactive effects when consumed, but they're no more extreme than the respective effects of alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine. And yet people find the idea of legalized marijuana to be absolutely abhorrent. You're fine with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and drinking a case of beer a day, but marijuana is the spawn of satan? That seems a little illogical.